Are you just starting out in your freelance career and need some guidance on how to write the perfect CV? Or maybe you’re struggling to secure the clients you deserve? Well, look no further! Here we have our top 10 tips on how to write the perfect CV if you’re a freelancer that will showcase your skills whilst providing recruiters with all the necessary information they need to see if you’re the best fit for the job .

1.  Include your rates

Always include your standard rate so employers know what to expect, don’t sell yourself short but you definitely don’t want to put off potential clients with extortionate rates. If you are unsure what to charge, always do your research before applying.

2.  Make your education stand out

You’ve worked hard for your education and qualifications so don’t let them go unnoticed. Make a clear statement with your degree and university name in a relevant field to ensure employers know you’re more than qualified for the job. The same goes for any industry-related work experience, be sure to add timeframes so it’s clear how many years of experience you have. Remember, as a freelancer your skills should be the foundation of your CV and making sure they’re visible might guarantee that you win the work. Keeping this section short and simple is best as recruiters receive a lot of applications so make the information easy for them to find!

3. Clearly state your native language and language combinations

Don’t make recruiters go searching for your native language or language pairs. If an employer doesn’t find out everything about you from your CV, you could be at a disadvantage compared to other candidates. Your CV should clearly state your mother tongue and any other language skills that could be relevant to the job. Adding your proficiency for each language too is useful.

4. Include your availability

Let people know if you’re available, from 40 hours a week, 5 hours a week, evenings or weekends. It’s important to let people know when you’re free to avoid getting sent projects that you can’t complete; you don’t want this to reflect badly on you and affect your reputation, so always be clear!

5. Showcase your skills

Do you have experience in both translation and transcription? Then shout about it! Having additional skills can work as a huge advantage for yourself in such a competitive world and could even result in you getting sent a wider variety of work. You never know when a client will come back wanting more…

6. Personal information

As simple as it sounds, don’t forget to include all your personal information. Your name, address, phone number and email address are key in making sure it is super easy to contact you. Adding a link to your Linked In profile, Proz or website is also helpful for recruiters to learn more about you.

7. CAT tools and software

MemoQ, Trados, Memsource? Your specialist skills with CAT tools and software could be the simple thing that sets you apart from the competition. These skills are just as important as your education and experience so don’t leave this information out.

8. Areas of expertise

Your areas of expertise can make a huge difference to being hired as a freelancer. Some recruiters will look primarily for consumer experience and others will look for medical, legal or technical experience. The more experience and areas of knowledge you include on your CV the better. This doesn’t have to be details of who you’ve worked for or what you’ve worked on, a simple list will do with the text/file types and the subject area. Coming across as a professional in your chosen field is what people look for in a freelancer. Avoid using general terms like ‘medicine’, instead you could say specific terms such as “ophthalmology” and “clinical trials” and “discussion guides”.

9. Services you provide

You never know when applying for a role as a freelance translator could lead to more success in other areas. If you are an experienced translator with a good background and additional knowledge in proofreading and interpreting then be sure to make this clear on your CV. Employers love when one trusted freelancer can cover several bases.

10. Professional membership

If you want to look like a professional and experienced freelancer then an industry-related membership is the most effective way to do so. For a small fee, you will receive support and information from industry professionals whilst giving your CV the ultimate boost. 

So, there you have it! Language Insight’s top 10 tips for writing the perfect CV if you’re a freelancer to kickstart your freelance career. Make it easy for Vendor Manager’s by handing them with everything they need to know about your professional career without them having to ask questions. Now there’s only one thing left to do, go and write the perfect CV!